Low Brass, High Standards
Low Brass, High Standards by Jeff Barbee and George Palton: About Us
The back row can easily be forgotten, until an ensemble is unable to program a composition due to a deficiency in their tuba and euphonium sections. The contributions these instruments provide, including depth of tone, are invaluable and critical throughout wind band literature. However, these instrumentalists often struggle and trail their peers due to the extra challenges associated with tone production, the physical size of the instruments, and access to quality materials and equipment.
Through research driven pedagogy, Low Brass, High Standards strives to improve tuba and euphonium instruction at every developmental level. Our analysis will describe paradigms surrounding the instruction of the tuba and euphonium, identify gaps in current pedagogical practice, and draw correlation to trends in teacher education programs. In doing so, we will offer pragmatic solutions to bolster rehearsal technique and improve instrumental music curriculum.
Through research driven pedagogy, Low Brass, High Standards strives to improve tuba and euphonium instruction at every developmental level. Our analysis will describe paradigms surrounding the instruction of the tuba and euphonium, identify gaps in current pedagogical practice, and draw correlation to trends in teacher education programs. In doing so, we will offer pragmatic solutions to bolster rehearsal technique and improve instrumental music curriculum.
Conference Presentations
- Barbee, J., & Palton, G. “Analyzing the Effectiveness of Low Brass Methods Courses.” International Tuba and Euphonium Association Journal Vol. 49 No. 4 (Summer 2022).
Conference Presentations
- “Low Brass, High Standards 101: Back to the Basics,” Georgia Music Education Association Conference, Athens, GA. (Invitation to Present)
- “Low Brass, High Standards 101: Back to the Basics,” Tennessee Music Education Association Conference, Nashville, TN.
- “Low Brass, High Standards 101: Back to the Basics,” Michigan Music Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
- “Improving Low Brass Methods Courses,” Illinois Music Education Conference, Online Presentation.
- “Improving Low Brass Methods Courses,” Ohio Music Education Association Professional Development Conference, Cincinnati, OH.
- “Implementing Chamber Music to Develop Euphonium and Tuba Students,” Performance with the Four Horsemen Quartet, Indiana Music Education Association Professional Development Conference, Fort Wayne, IN.
- “Low Brass, High Standards,” Indiana Music Education Association Professional Development Conference, Fort Wayne, IN.
References from our presentation at the Indiana Music Education Association 2019 Conference
- Blog Post: When to start on the tuba.
- Blog Post: The Basics
- Blog Post: Articulation is Like Jenga Part 1 Part 2
- Blog Post: Guide to Purchasing Instruments
- Group Exercises and Resources for Young Musicians
- Theory Resources: MusicTheory.net Teoria.com